Chadwick Tribute Book to inspire kids to be kind and dream big. Currently Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble,, the African American Museum Dallas and Howard University Bookstore.
Chadwick Tribute Book to inspire kids to be kind and dream big. Currently Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble,, the African American Museum Dallas and Howard University Bookstore.
Krysta Davis
I purchased a book enrolled “Young King” from this company for my son. This book was full of affirmations for young, black boys!
Deb Smith
amazing books for youth! content is knowledgeable and fun for school aged children! I recommend this company! the owner loves teaching and educating brown boys and girls the importance of reading!!!
“Chadwick” This book is a collectors item.
An illustrated documentary on the life and accomplishments of Mr. Black Panther himself. Ingenious as well as inspiring!