Check aspireMKTPLC For Your COVID-19 Needs | Get Your Candid Art Face Mask Here

As COVID-19 changes our day-to-day lives, wearing a mask has become the new norm. This MKTPLC merchant will help us step out in style- mask and all.
Candice Cox of Candid Art created a new line of masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to help generate income for her business during the economic downturn. Cox also wanted to “give masks to those that are underserved in my community.”
From one small business owner to another, Cox offers words of advice for any entrepreneurs facing hard times right now,
“Stay focused and don’t give up. The first week I was in shock and then I snapped out of it and was determined to not let my business fail. Sometimes you have to shift and pivot to adjust to the current environment. You have to adjust the way you do business …if that means heavily marketing online to drive online sales, creating package deals and offering discounts. Sometimes you even had to create a new product that serves the current need. Collaboration is great and creating more content can drive buzz to your site. Whatever you do, don’t give up.”
Like most of us anticipating the day that we’ll get to see outside again, Cox says she can’t wait to get her hair done, get all dolled up to go out and take her daughter to the park like the good ole’ days.
To snag your very own Candid Art mask, tap the link below:
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